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Architecture for a modular, component-based Sinatra Application




I'm working on a Sinatra app that contains about 10 different components of functionality. We'd like to be able to mix and match these components into separate instances of the application, configured entirely from a config.yaml file that looks something like:


- route: '/chunky'
  component_type: FoodLister
    food_type: bacon
    max_items: 400

- route: 'places/paris'
  component_type: Mapper
    latitude: 48.85387273165654
    longitude: 2.340087890625  

- route: 'places/losangeles'
  component_type: Mapper
    latitude: 34.043556504127466
    longitude: -118.23486328125

As you can see, components can be instantiated more than once, each with their own contextual settings.

Each component consists of at least one route, with the "route" property from the config file used for the base.

What is the best way to organize and instantiate the module code?

like image 221
Brennan Roberts Avatar asked Sep 01 '11 19:09

Brennan Roberts

2 Answers

This is similar to include's proposal, but it doesn't require access to the rackup file.

Write your various Handlers like:

class FoodHandler < Sinatra::Base
  get '/chunky/:food' do
    "Chunky #{params[:food]}!"

Then in your main application file:

require './lib/handlers/food_handler.rb'

class Main < Sinatra::Base
  enable :sessions
  ... bla bla bla
  use FoodHandler

I've used this kind of structure to build some fairly complex Sinatra apps. It scales just as well as Rails.


To have your config file define the routes, you could do something like this:

class PlacesHandler < Sinatra::Base
  # Given your example, this would define 'places/paris' and 'places/losangeles'
  CONFIG['components'].select { |c| c['compontent_type'] == 'Mapper' }.each do |c|
    get c['route'] do
      @latitude = c['component_settings']['latitude']
      @longitude = c['component_settings']['longitude']
like image 90
bioneuralnet Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10


TIMTOWTDI - There's_more_than_one_way_to_do_it :) and that is one. But in fact I use another way. I use Sinatra/Base to dev modular apps.

I have simgle routes to each app.

# config.ru file

require 'bundler/setup' Bundler.require(:default)

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/main.rb"

map "/" { run BONES::Main }

map "/dashboard" { run BONES::Dashboard }

map "/app1" { run BONES::App1 }

You can have variable sets for each instance. You can develop each 'component' on its Module.

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/helpers.rb"

module BONES

  class Main < Sinatra::Base 
    helpers XIXA::Helpers

    configure :development do
      enable  :sessions, :clean_trace, :inline_templates
      disable :logging, :dump_errors
      set :static, true
      set :public, 'public'

    enable :static, :session
    set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__)
    set :custom_option, 'hello'

    set :haml, { :format => :html5 }


That a look here. http://codex.heroku.com/

have fun :)

like image 23
include Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10
