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Aptana Studio 3 - Warnings when using data-role Tags of HTML 5

I want to use Aptana Studio 3 for developing jquery-mobile projects. Since jquery-mobile uses HTML5 I have to use tag attributes like "data-role="header" which is OK for HTML5.

For example:

<div data-role="header"></div>

But Aptana gives me warnings like:

unknown attribute "data-role"

How can I fix this, or is it an Aptana Studio 3 bug?

like image 208
bernhardh Avatar asked Oct 21 '11 09:10


2 Answers

I performed below and it resolved the problem.

In Preferences > Aptana Studio > Validation > HTML Tidy Validator > Attributes >> Proprietary attributes --> ignore

like image 59
Raghav Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 11:11


It more of a missing feature than a bug.

In Preferences > Aptana Studio > Validation you can define regular expression that match to errors/warnings you want to be ignored.

.*data-role.* should do it.

like image 23
RoToRa Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 11:11
