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Aptana 3 Unresolved import - Python

I'm trying to import pycassa library in a Python project in Aptana 3, but in the line "import pycassa" it show me the next error: "Unresolved import: pycassa". I installed pycassa with easy install and if I run "import pycassa" in a python shell it run with no errors. If I run the Aptana project run with no errors too, but the error mark continues. Why?

Sorry for my english.

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icor Avatar asked Jul 08 '11 08:07


1 Answers

The only working solution for me: open menu “Window” → “Preferences” → “Interpreter - Python”, then click button “Apply”, select your interpreter and then “OK”. Pydev will rescan all packages and in some seconds all unresolved imports disappear.

Unfortunately I have to do these steps on every restart because Pydev always “forget” some packages after restart…

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Sergey Stolyarov Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11

Sergey Stolyarov