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Applying over a vector of functions



Given a vector (actually a list) of functions:

 fs = c(sin, cos, tan)

and a vector of values:

 xs = c(.1, .3, .5)

Is there a better/neater/faster/stronger way of computing fs[[i]](xs[i]) for each vector element:

 vapply(1:3, FUN.VALUE = 1 ,function(i){fs[[i]](xs[i])})
  [1] 0.09983342 0.95533649 0.54630249

Or am I missing a fapply function somewhere? The functions will always be functions of a single scalar value and returning a single scalar value.

like image 923
Spacedman Avatar asked May 06 '14 13:05


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R: Apply a Function over a List or Vector lapply {base} R Documentation Apply a Function over a List or Vector Description lapplyreturns a list of the same length as X, each element of which is the result of applying FUNto the corresponding element of X.

2 Answers

Nice and simple:

mapply(function(fun, x) fun(x), fs, xs)

But I agree with @flodel. I was also looking for a base function for function(fun, ...) fun(...) and was surprised that there doesn't seem to be one. On the other hand I've never needed it, so far.

like image 54
Roland Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09


Here's an alternative whose main advantage over the suggestions so far is that it doesn't require that an anonymous function be defined.

mapply(do.call, fs, lapply(xs, list))
# [1] 0.09983342 0.95533649 0.54630249
like image 23
Josh O'Brien Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Josh O'Brien