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write.table is not outputting a header for row names [duplicate]




I try to write out a matrix to csv while retaining rownames (c.f. Export matrix in r).

However when I do it using write.table() all the columns get shifted to the left (so the first data column header appears above the rownames column).


I tried the following (to manually add an extra column):

merged.pca <- prcomp(USArrests)

write.table(merged.pca$rotation, file = "rotation.csv", sep = ",", col.names = c("rowname",colnames(merged.pca$rotation)))

Unfortunately this fails with:

Error in write.table(merged.pca$rotation, file = "rotation.csv", sep = ",",  : 
  invalid 'col.names' specification

TBH I have no clue what this error means. Is it something about the argument being a list and not a vector?

like image 263
Jakub Bochenski Avatar asked Jun 22 '13 16:06

Jakub Bochenski

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2 Answers

If all else fails, you could make the rownames as column, e. g.

res <- transform(merged.pca$rotation, rowname=rownames(merged.pca$rotation))
write.table(res, "rotation.csv", row.names=FALSE)
like image 62
Karsten W. Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Karsten W.

Per the help for write.table, you want to specify col.names=NA:

write.table(merged.pca$rotation, file="rotation.csv", col.names=NA, sep=",")

Yes, I think it's a bit silly too. Note that write.csv will do this for you automatically.

like image 26
Hong Ooi Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Hong Ooi