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Apply reduction only if certain condition is met

Is there a way to let the 'reduction' of the reduce() method of Stream be optional?

I want to iterate over a list of Periods and join the periods that overlap and maintain both periods if they don't overlap:

interface Period {
    boolean overlaps(Period other);

List<Period> periods = new ArrayList<>();

periods.stream().reduce(new BinaryOperator<Period>() {
    public Period apply(Period period, Period period2) {
        if (period.overlaps(period2)){
            // join period and period2 into period.
            "return both"
            // don't reduce and maintain period and period2 in the list.
        return null;
like image 621
alexpfx Avatar asked Dec 04 '18 18:12


2 Answers

I don't think you can easily do it with streams alone. With Guava ranges, you can do something like this:

        .map(p -> Range.closedOpen(p.getStart(), p.getEnd()))
        .collect(TreeRangeSet::<Integer>create, RangeSet::add, RangeSet::addAll)
        .map(r -> new PeriodImpl(r.lowerEndpoint(), r.upperEndpoint()))

This assumes a class structure like the following, but you can adjust as necessary:

interface Period {
    int getStart();
    int getEnd();

class PeriodImpl implements Period {
    PeriodImpl(int start, int end) {
like image 170
shmosel Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10


Try collapse provided in StreamEx

// Here I use Range type provided in Google Guava for test.
List<Range<Integer>> list = Arrays.asList(Range.openClosed(1, 3), Range.openClosed(2, 4), Range.closed(5, 5));

    .collapse(Range::isConnected, Range::span)
// (1..4]
// [5..5]
like image 6
user_3380739 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
