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Application running in background

How can I write C# application using Visual Studio 2010 that runs in background? By this I mean that it does not run in console or show a Form. Which type of project should I use?

like image 869
Ichibann Avatar asked Jan 30 '11 00:01


People also ask

What does it mean when an application is running in the background?

In Windows, apps can continue to perform actions even when you are not actively in the app's window. These are commonly called background apps. You can decide which apps will run in the background, and which won't.

Is it good to have apps running in the background?

Background applications can eat up your battery and utilize the resources. There are some applications which probably won't be optimized well, some might be malicious or have malware, or some applications just have a bug.

2 Answers

Use a windows service template

Add a new project of type 'Windows->Windows Service'.

Here is a walkthrough

like image 121
santiagoIT Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09


You can use a Windows project that doesn't show any forms, or you can use a Windows Service project.

like image 35
Mark Cidade Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Mark Cidade