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Apple App Guidelines -- Private APIs?




From what I've read, Apple rejects apps using Private APIS. What determines a private API? I am currently using the NinevehGL engine which is open for commercial use, does it count as a private API?

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Adam Eisfeld Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 16:01

Adam Eisfeld

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Finally, to comply with Apple's requirements, you must also display a link to your Privacy Policy on the App Store. This generally means providing a URL to take users straight to your Privacy Policy.

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Apps can't be published as a private app and in the public Google Play store at the same time. If an app with the same app ID was published by another organization (publicly or privately), you can't publish the app until the developer changes the application ID for your variant.

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You can learn how to develop apps for Apple platforms for free without enrolling. With just an Apple ID, you can access Xcode, software downloads, documentation, sample code, forums, and Feedback Assistant, as well as test your apps on devices.

1 Answers

I found the answer.

A private API refers to any undocumented methodology within Apple's own API. Apple restricts this because if your app relies on calling an undocumented method within Apple's core framework, and then that undocumented method is modified or dropped all together in the next OS update, your app will break and render itself useless.

Using outside APIs like the NinevehGL engine Im using is perfectly fine, assuming NinevehGL itself isn't using any private APIs.

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Adam Eisfeld Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Adam Eisfeld