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Appcode can't find destination

I am seeing following error in AppCode every time I try to deploy my app to a connected device (an iPad):

xcodebuild: error: Was unable to find a destination matching the arguments to the -destination flag: The requested device could not be found because no available devices matched the request. Build failed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 14 sec

I can build and deploy from XCode fine.

And I am sure AppCode can see the device, since it is listed in the dropdown (Yellow 11 is the device): enter image description here

Additional Info: The project uses cocoapods XCode is version 5.1 AppCode is version 2.5.5 Deployment Target Setting in XCode is 7.0 Project is using SDK 7.1 iPad is on iOS 7.0.4

Things I have tried: - Deleting DerivedData folder's contents (via XCode's Organizer window) - Closing and Starting XCode and AppCode again - Disconnecting and reconnecting the device - Clean rebuild

Why I want to build via AppCode so bad? Because it is easier to debug and I know all the keyboard shortcuts there. Please help.

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septerr Avatar asked Mar 22 '14 21:03


People also ask

Can AppCode replace Xcode?

Yes, AppCode cannot run without Xcode. AppCode uses SDKs, simulators, LLDB, and SourceKit that are bundled in Xcode and cannot be used separately.

Is AppCode any good?

Overall, AppCode is a positive experience. There are certainly parts I like: code style/formatting, the extent you can customise the editor (OMG anti-aliasing!), some of the additional refactoring abilities.

What is Jetbrains AppCode used for?

AppCode is constantly monitoring the quality of your code. It warns you of errors and smells and suggests quick-fixes to resolve them automatically.

1 Answers

Updated version of septerr's answer using Xcode version 6.4 (at least this did it for me) :

  • Close AppCode
  • Unplug and Replug the device
  • In Xcode, Go to Window->Devices
  • Right click on the device and disable the "Show in Runs Destination Menu" option
  • Reenable "Show in Runs Destination Menu" for the device
  • Open AppCode and it was working
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Godfather Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
