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App submission binary does not show up in iTunes Connect

I want to update my app. I have a new version of the app and now it says "Prepare for Submission".

Now I want to perform "Prepare for Upload" but I cannot find this in the new iTunes Connect.

I have tried to upload the app to iTunes using Application Loader and Xcode 5.1 but still the status hasn’t changed and when I click on "Submit For Review" I get the following error:

You must choose a build.

like image 947
Muhsin Zahid Ugur Avatar asked Sep 12 '14 21:09

Muhsin Zahid Ugur

People also ask

What does Apple mean by apps binary?

An app binary is a file that contains machine code for a computer to execute.

How long does it take for build to appear in App Store Connect?

After uploading a build, iTunes Connect performs some processing to prepare it for TestFlight Distribution and App Store distribution. The status of the build should go to ready after some time. Sometimes, this happens as fast as 15 minutes after uploading but can sometimes take 1 hour or longer.

1 Answers

It is quite weird but let me show what I have learnt from this new iTunnesConnect layout.

Step 1: You should wait around 10 min to 20 min to see your uploaded binary file in the prerelease section. enter image description here .

Step 2: After you wait a while (10-20 min) then you would see the below icon enter image description here

Step 3: Then you could able to see that your binary is ready. enter image description here

Step 4: Then click on plus (+) sign, you now could able to choose your binary and then click submit for review button to finalize. enter image description here

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casillas Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
