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APP_INITIALIZER is not firing before factory

I'm using APP_INITIALIZER to load environment specific variables. I need to use these variables inside of my authConfigFactory, but the factory keeps loading before APP_INITIALIZER has completed inside of the app config.

I'm using this library: https://github.com/manfredsteyer/angular-oauth2-oidc

I want to use the value of APP_CONFIG.authConfig.allowedUrls inside of my auth config factory. How can I make sure it sets the configuration first before the auth factory.

I get this error in the factory : Cannot read property 'authConfig' of undefined


providers: [
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      useFactory: (config: AppConfigService) => () => config.load(),
      multi: true,
      deps: [AppConfigService]
      provide: OAuthModuleConfig,
      useFactory: authConfigFactory


export let APP_CONFIG: AppConfig;

export class AppConfigService {
    private injector: Injector
  ) {}

  config = null;

  public load() {
    const http = this.injector.get(HttpClient);

    return http
        tap(returnedConfig => {
          const t = new AppConfig();
          APP_CONFIG = Object.assign(t, returnedConfig);



export function authConfigFactory(): OAuthModuleConfig {
  return {
    resourceServer: {
      allowedUrls: APP_CONFIG.authConfig.allowedUrls,
      sendAccessToken: true
like image 644
user2531854 Avatar asked Oct 24 '18 18:10


2 Answers

I've had this problem before and tried many possibilities with no luck, the only solution is that i used ngrx/store

In app.config.ts you can dispatch an action to save the config in the store, and you can get it after that in other services by doing: store.select() Subscribe to it and do your control


providers: [
 AuthService, // oidc-client.ts where i need the config from json
  useFactory: loadConfig,
  deps: [ConfigService],
  multi: true,


  import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
  import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
  import { IAppStore } from '../models/store.model';
  import * as ConfigActions from '../store/actions/config.actions';

   export class ConfigService {
   public config: any = {};

   constructor(private http: HttpClient, private store: Store<IAppStore>) {}

   getConfig(key: string): string {
     return this.config[key] || '';
  public loadConfig() {
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      (response) => {
        this.config = response;
        this.store.dispatch(new ConfigActions.AddConfig(response)); // dispatch action to update the store


  import { Log, User, UserManager, WebStorageStateStore } from 'oidc-client';
  export class AuthService {
  private _userManager: UserManager;
  public _user: User;
    private store: Store<IAppStore>
    private httpClient: HttpClient,
    private route: Router,
    private configs: ConfigService
  ) {
this.store.select('appConfig').subscribe((configdata) => {
  Log.logger = console;
  const config = {
  authority: configdata.stsAuthority,
  client_id: configdata.clientId,
  redirect_uri: `${configdata.clientRoot}/#/auth-callback#`,
  scope: 'openid profile fusionApi.full_access',
  response_type: 'id_token token',
  post_logout_redirect_uri: `${configdata.clientRoot}?postLogout=true`, // delet all stored tokens after logout
  userStore: new WebStorageStateStore({ store: window.localStorage }),
  automaticSilentRenew: true,
  silent_redirect_uri: `${configdata.clientRoot}/assets/html/silent-refresh-redirect.html`,
  this._userManager = new UserManager(config);
  this._userManager.getUser().then((user) => {
  if (user && !user.expired) {
    this._user = user;

login(): Promise<any> {
 return this._userManager.signinRedirect();
like image 184
Fateh Mohamed Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Fateh Mohamed

I had the same problem. The OAuthModuleConfig needs to be set synchronously. So the settings need to be loaded before the OAuthModuleConfig is created (in a factory).

I implemented it by loading the settings before the AppModule is bootstrapped.


.then(response => response.json())
.then(config => {

if (environment.production) {

platformBrowserDynamic([{ provide: APP_SETTINGS, useValue: config }])
  .catch(err => console.error(err));


Inside the module declaration:

providers: [
{ provide: OAuthModuleConfig, useFactory: authConfigFactory, deps: [APP_SETTINGS] },
bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export function authConfigFactory(settings: AppSettings): OAuthModuleConfig {
return {
resourceServer: {
    allowedUrls: settings.protectedUrls,
    sendAccessToken: true,
like image 36
DiederikTiemstra Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
