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App Engine Cropping to a Specific Width and Height

I need to resize and crop an image to a specific width and height. I was able to construct a method that will create a square thumbnail, but I'm unsure on how to apply this, when the desired thumbnail is not square.

def rescale(data, width, height):
"""Rescale the given image, optionally cropping it to make sure the result image has the specified width and height."""
from google.appengine.api import images

new_width = width
new_height = height

img = images.Image(data)

org_width, org_height = img.width, img.height

# We must determine if the image is portrait or landscape
# Landscape
if org_width > org_height:
    # With the Landscape image we want the crop to be centered. We must find the
    # height to width ratio of the image and Convert the denominater to a float
    # so that ratio will be a decemal point. The ratio is the percentage of the image
    # that will remain.
    ratio = org_height / float(org_width)
    # To find the percentage of the image that will be removed we subtract the ratio
    # from 1 By dividing this number by 2 we find the percentage that should be
    # removed from each side this is also our left_x coordinate
    left_x = (1- ratio) / 2
    # By subtract the left_x from 1 we find the right_x coordinate
    right_x = 1 - left_x
    # crop(image_data, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y), output_encoding=images.PNG)
    img.crop(left_x, 0.0, right_x, 1.0)
    # resize(image_data, width=0, height=0, output_encoding=images.PNG)
# Portrait
elif org_width < org_height:
    ratio = org_width / float(org_height)
    # crop(image_data, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y), output_encoding=images.PNG)
    img.crop(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, ratio)
    # resize(image_data, width=0, height=0, output_encoding=images.PNG)

thumbnail = img.execute_transforms()
return thumbnail

If there is a better way to do this please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's a diagram explaining the desired process. crop_diagram



like image 759
Kyle Finley Avatar asked Dec 22 '09 04:12

Kyle Finley

People also ask

How do I crop a custom ratio?

To set a custom crop ratio, tap on the preset dimensions at the top of your screen. Adjust the width and height of your custom crop ratio and adjust to get to your ideal dimensions. Select OK to apply your changes.

How to crop image in cloudinary?

Resize your images to fill specified dimensions by setting the width and height (w and h in URLs), while setting the crop parameter to fill (c_fill in URLs). This will resize and crop the image so an image with the exact specified dimensions is generated.

1 Answers

I had a similar problem (your screenshot was very useful). This is my solution:

def rescale(img_data, width, height, halign='middle', valign='middle'):
  """Resize then optionally crop a given image.

    img_data: The image data
    width: The desired width
    height: The desired height
    halign: Acts like photoshop's 'Canvas Size' function, horizontally
            aligning the crop to left, middle or right
    valign: Verticallly aligns the crop to top, middle or bottom

  image = images.Image(img_data)

  desired_wh_ratio = float(width) / float(height)
  wh_ratio = float(image.width) / float(image.height)

  if desired_wh_ratio > wh_ratio:
    # resize to width, then crop to height
    trim_y = (float(image.height - height) / 2) / image.height
    if valign == 'top':
      image.crop(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1 - (2 * trim_y))
    elif valign == 'bottom':
      image.crop(0.0, (2 * trim_y), 1.0, 1.0)
      image.crop(0.0, trim_y, 1.0, 1 - trim_y)
    # resize to height, then crop to width
    trim_x = (float(image.width - width) / 2) / image.width
    if halign == 'left':
      image.crop(0.0, 0.0, 1 - (2 * trim_x), 1.0)
    elif halign == 'right':
      image.crop((2 * trim_x), 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
      image.crop(trim_x, 0.0, 1 - trim_x, 1.0)

  return image.execute_transforms()
like image 158
Adam McGrath Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Adam McGrath