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api for zip +4 from an address

What's the best api/resource to get a zip +4 from an address?

I don't want something that needs to be downloaded and updated from time to time; I want one that's updated automagically.

The goal is to look up state and federal officials without getting "duplicate" positions.

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antony.trupe Avatar asked May 08 '10 01:05


People also ask

What is a ZIP Code API?

A ZIP code API, also known as a ZIP code lookup, makes it possible to programmatically look up information using a ZIP code as a unique identifier. In North America, all major shipping carriers including USPS, Canada Post, FedEx, DHL, and UPS maintain various APIs with corresponding documentation.

What are the 4 numbers next to ZIP Code?

Also called “plus-four codes”, “add-on codes”, or “add-ons”, the ZIP+4 code starts with the standard five-digit ZIP Code. The four extra numbers are added after a hyphen to complete the ZIP+4. So what do the extra numbers mean? These last 4 digits represent specific delivery routes within delivery areas.

How can I get Google Map API ZIP Code?

ZIP code lookup The request format is: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=ZIP_CODE&key=YOUR_API_KEY will, and in the response you get a lot of information, including for our purposes, that 92101 is the postal code for San Diego, California.

1 Answers

have you tried Google Maps JavaScript API V3


in responce to your comment

this is easy as count 1, 2 , 3 ;)

take a look at this:

  • http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Winnetka&sensor=false

you need to looking for google map geocoding service! ( Viewport Biasing )

  • http://code.google.com/intl/it-IT/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/

example code would be:

using jQuery

$(function() {
    function(data) {
        var zip_code = data.results[0].long_name;
like image 165
Luca Filosofi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Luca Filosofi