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Plot Geo-Locations on Worldmap with Matlab

I am trying to mark a few thousands of geo-locations on the world-map with matlab. I have the latitudes and longitudes of those locations. Is there any good way to do this? Thanks.

like image 433
Geni Avatar asked Jul 25 '12 17:07


1 Answers

Here is an example that doesn't require any toolbox.

First we create a function that converts longitute/latitude locations using the Mercator projection.

function [x,y] = mercatorProjection(lon, lat, width, height)
    x = mod((lon+180)*width/360, width) ;
    y = height/2 - log(tan((lat+90)*pi/360))*width/(2*pi);

We create some locations:

% GPS positions (latitude,longitude) of some markers
data = [
    -22.976730, - 43.195080 ;
     55.756950,   37.614975 ;
     33.605381, -  7.631940 ;
     35.670479,  139.740921 ;
     51.506325, -  0.127144 ;
     40.714550, - 74.007124 ;
    -33.869629,  151.206955 ;
    -26.204944,   28.040035 ;
     37.777125, -122.419644 ;
     30.083740,   31.255360 ;
      6.439180,    3.423480
labels = {
    'Rio de Janeiro'
    'New York'
    'San Francisco'

Next we load a map from Wikipedia, apply the projection and overlay the markers:

% world map in Mercator projection
fname = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/74/Mercator-projection.jpg/773px-Mercator-projection.jpg';
img = imread(fname);
[imgH,imgW,~] = size(img);

% Mercator projection
[x,y] = mercatorProjection(data(:,2), data(:,1), imgW, imgH);

% plot markers on map
imshow(img, 'InitialMag',100, 'Border','tight'), hold on
plot(x,y, 'bo', 'MarkerSize',10, 'LineWidth',3)
text(x, y, labels, 'Color','w', 'VerticalAlign','bottom', 'HorizontalAlign','right')
hold off


like image 122
Amro Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
