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Apex Code Version Control

Is there any way to integrate version control system for Apex & Visualforce code? I can thinking of keeping a separate repository but no way to have it integrated with Salesforce Platform.

Thanks in Advance.

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Mitul Makadia Avatar asked Nov 07 '11 09:11

Mitul Makadia

2 Answers

You can do this by using Subversion and the Force.com Eclipse IDE with the Subclipse plugin.

Here are a few links to some instructions.

  • Setting up Subversion (Windows)
  • Installing Force.com IDE (Eclipse)
  • Installing Subclipse (Eclipse plugin)
    • Use the update site when installing in Eclipse - similar to the instructions here
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Matt K Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09

Matt K

If instead of using Subversion, you wish to use Git (lots of the community code is hosted on GitHub where you can get it for free) then have a look at this Dreamforce session and some hints and tips about how best to use Git and Force.com together here.

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pbattisson Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09
