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How can I debug apex class in force.com eclipse ide?



How can I debug apex class in force.com eclipse IDE?

like image 990
Ashwaq Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 10:02


1 Answers

There is currently no facility for debugging Apex from the Force.com (Eclipse) IDE, but there is the System Log Console for post-mortem debugging of Apex code - see http://developer.force.com/releases/release/Winter11/System+Log+Console and http://blog.sforce.com/sforce/2010/05/sneak-peak-the-new-system-log-console.html - this gives you an 'after the fact' view, rather than the ability to set breakpoints and step through code, but it is very detailed, down to execution of individual lines of code, and variable values.

like image 139
metadaddy Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
