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APEX 5 interactive report column order

I have an issue with changing interactive report column order. My APEX version

If i change order in Columns nothing change. If i change order in SqlQuery nothing change. If i change type of report (eg select classic report) and come back to interactive order finally change.

I'm doing wrong or there is a bug?

like image 533
DanBoc Avatar asked Feb 09 '17 17:02


2 Answers

So what we can do here is, once you run your report and see the output.

Click on "Action" button on your report output, near the Search bar. Then choose "columns". Now in the next pop up window, you can reorder the columns and even opt to not show some of the column. Once you are done with the changes, click on "Apply".

Now you need to follow these steps to make these changes default for all. Actions --> Reports --> Save Report --> Choose "As Default Report Settings" in save drop down menu --> Apply.

Now your changes will be done and saved as default for all.

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Ashish Pratap Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Ashish Pratap

SQL statement order is merely defines the default order upon creation, and has no impact afterwards.

Classic reports get their order from the column sequence at design time.

Column order for interactive reports is defined at runtime, where the developer uses action toolbar to select columns, order, sort etc.

Design time capability for IR may be present in APEX 5.2

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Scott Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
