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default workspace after migration to 11g

I installed 11g on my local machine and imported my data using dmp file. Now my application works fine and also I can connect to database using sql developer without any problems.

But when I try to login with apex, I don't know what to enter in workspace field. I used INTERNAL workspace with admin as username. But i couldn't find my tables and schemas.

I went to workspace manager and found that only INTERNAL workspace is defined there with a single user(admin).

How can I view and manage my existing tables using apex? (As i said above, i can do it using sql developer. But I want to do it using apex)

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danrah Avatar asked Sep 09 '12 07:09


1 Answers

Apex is an application development environment, that happens to have some tools for managing schema objects, but for this purpose is not as powerful or easy-to-use as SQL Developer.

If you really want you could login as the administrator and create a workspace, but I'd rather use SQL Developer unless I was actually going to use Apex for its main purpose, which is building applications.

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Jeffrey Kemp Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 23:11

Jeffrey Kemp