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Apache Spark startsWith in SQL expression

In Apache Spark API I can use startsWith function in order to test the value of the column:


Is it possible to do the same in Spark SQL expression and if so, could you please show an example?.

like image 976
alexanoid Avatar asked Jan 03 '19 13:01


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3 Answers

With regexp_replace, you can get the same results without UDFs. Check this out

scala> val df=Seq(("bPREFIX",1),("PREFIXb",2)).toDF("a","b")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [a: string, b: int]

scala> df.show
|      a|  b|
|bPREFIX|  1|
|PREFIXb|  2|

scala> df.filter(regexp_replace('a,"""^PREFIX.*""","")==="").show
|      a|  b|
|PREFIXb|  2|


or using regexp_extract()

scala> df.filter(regexp_extract('a,"""(^PREFIX)""",1)==="PREFIX").show
|      a|  b|
|PREFIXb|  2|


Using instr() function

scala> df.filter("instr(a,'PREFIX')=1").show
|      a|  b|
|PREFIXb|  2|

like image 96
stack0114106 Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 10:11


I found the following solution that works with Spark SQL query without custom UDP and out of the box, for example:

like image 22
alexanoid Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 10:11


You can create an UDF to do that

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions
val startsWith = udf((columnValue: String) => columnValue.startsWith("PREFIX"))

The UDF will receive the column and check it against the PREFIX, then you can use it as follows:


If you want a parameter as prefix you can with lit

val startsWith = udf((columnValue: String, prefix:String) => columnValue.startsWith(prefix))
myDataFrame.filter(startsWith($"columnName", lit("PREFIX")))


|letter     |number|
|    PREFIXb|     1|
|    bPREFIX|     2|


|letter     |number|
|    PREFIXb|     1|
like image 38
SCouto Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 12:11
