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Apache hive MSCK REPAIR TABLE new partition not added

I am new for Apache Hive. While working on external table partition, if I add new partition directly to HDFS, the new partition is not added after running MSCK REPAIR table. Below are the codes I tried,

-- creating external table

hive> create external table factory(name string, empid int, age int) partitioned by(region string)  
    > row format delimited fields terminated by ','; 

--Detailed Table Information

Location:  hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/warehouse/factory     
Table Type:             EXTERNAL_TABLE           
Table Parameters:        
    EXTERNAL                TRUE                
    transient_lastDdlTime   1438579844  

-- creating directory in HDFS to load data for table factory

[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir 'hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory1'
[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir 'hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory2'

-- Table data

cat factory1.txt

cat factory2.txt

-- copying from local to HDFS

[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal '/home/cloudera/factory1.txt' 'hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory1'
[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal '/home/cloudera/factory2.txt' 'hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory2'

-- Altering table to update in the metastore

hive> alter table factory add partition(region='southregion') location '/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory2';
hive> alter table factory add partition(region='northregion') location '/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory1';            
hive> select * from factory;                                                                      
emp1    500 40  northregion
emp2    501 45  northregion
emp3    502 50  northregion
EMP10   200 25  southregion
EMP11   201 27  southregion
EMP12   202 30  southregion

Now I created new file factory3.txt to add as new partition for the table factory

cat factory3.txt

-- creating the path and copying table data

[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir 'hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory2'
[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal '/home/cloudera/factory3.txt' 'hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory3'

now I executed the below query to update the metastore for the new partition added


Now the table is not giving the new partition content of factory3 file. Can I know where I am doing mistake while adding partition for table factory?

whereas, if I run the alter command then it is showing the new partition data.

hive> alter table factory add partition(region='eastregion') location '/user/hive/testing/testing1/factory3';

Can I know why the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command is not working?

like image 569
Green Avatar asked Aug 03 '15 07:08


1 Answers

For the MSCK to work, naming convention /partition_name=partition_value/ should be used. For example in the root directory of table;

# hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/root_of_table/*

When you run msck repair table <tablename> partitions of day; 20200101 and 20200102 will be added automatically.

like image 64
HakkiBuyukcengiz Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 18:01
