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Apache Flink DataStream API doesn't have a mapPartition transformation



Spark DStream has mapPartition API, while Flink DataStream API doesn't. Is there anyone who could help explain the reason. What I want to do is to implement a API similar to Spark reduceByKey on Flink.

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Jun Avatar asked Oct 28 '15 20:10


1 Answers

Flink's stream processing model is quite different from Spark Streaming which is centered around mini batches. In Spark Streaming each mini batch is executed like a regular batch program on a finite set of data, whereas Flink DataStream programs continuously process records.

In Flink's DataSet API, a MapPartitionFunction has two parameters. An iterator for the input and a collector for the result of the function. A MapPartitionFunction in a Flink DataStream program would never return from the first function call, because the iterator would iterate over an endless stream of records. However, Flink's internal stream processing model requires that user functions return in order to checkpoint function state. Therefore, the DataStream API does not offer a mapPartition transformation.

In order to implement functionality similar to Spark Streaming's reduceByKey, you need to define a keyed window over the stream. Windows discretize streams which is somewhat similar to mini batches but windows offer way more flexibility. Since a window is of finite size, you can call reduce the window.

This could look like:

yourStream.keyBy("myKey") // organize stream by key "myKey"
          .timeWindow(Time.seconds(5)) // build 5 sec tumbling windows
          .reduce(new YourReduceFunction); // apply a reduce function on each window

The DataStream documentation shows how to define various window types and explains all available functions.

Note: The DataStream API has been reworked recently. The example assumes the latest version (0.10-SNAPSHOT) which will be release as 0.10.0 in the next days.

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Fabian Hueske Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Fabian Hueske