I have a camel application which receives a json array request from a jms queue upto size 13000,the structure of the json array request is as below. I would like to stream and split the json array with a group of 5. For example if I receive a json array of size 100 I would like to group as 5 and split it as 20 requests. Is there a inbuilt camel functionality to group and split json array or do I need to write a custom splitter?
I'm using camel 2.17 version.
Sample json array:
"name": "Ram",
"email": "ram@gmail.com",
"age": 23
}, {
"name": "Shyam",
"email": "shyam23@gmail.com",
"age": 28
}, {
"name": "John",
"email": "john@gmail.com",
"age": 33
}, {
"name": "Bob",
"email": "bob32@gmail.com",
"age": 41
}, {
"name": "test1",
"email": "test1@gmail.com",
"age": 41
}, {
"name": "test2",
"email": "test2@gmail.com",
"age": 41
}, {
"name": "test3",
"email": "test3@gmail.com",
"age": 41
}, {
"name": "test4",
"email": "test4@gmail.com",
"age": 41
You could try something like this:
protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
If the message doesn't have a size multiple of five, the route should wait 1 sec before aggregating and go ahead. Using your input, the result will be two messages with 5 and 3 items respectively:
INFO 5419 --- [ main] route1 : List<Exchange>(5 elements)
INFO 5419 --- [eTimeoutChecker] route1 : List<Exchange>(3 elements)
A full sample could be viewed in here.
As requested, a Spring DSL example:
<camel:from uri="direct:start" />
<camel:split streaming="true">
<camel:aggregate completionSize="5"
completionTimeout="1000" groupExchanges="true">
<camel:log message="${body}"></camel:log>
<camel:to uri="mock:result"></camel:to>
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