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Apache Camel and Intellij Idea code format

Intellij Idea formats code in camel routs like this:

     .log("Loop: ${header[loopCount]}")
     .when(simple("header[loopCount] < 10"))
     .process(exchange -> {
         Message in = exchange.getIn();
         in.setHeader("loopCount", in.getHeader("loopCount", Integer.class) + 1);
     .log("Exiting loop")

Is there any plugins or other ways to do like this:

 .log("Loop: ${header[loopCount]}")
     .when(simple("header[loopCount] < 10"))
         .process(exchange -> {
             Message in = exchange.getIn();
             in.setHeader("loopCount", in.getHeader("loopCount", Integer.class) + 1);
         .log("Exiting loop")


like image 464
well Avatar asked Oct 04 '17 18:10


2 Answers

There is a ticket about this for the Camel IDEA plugin: https://github.com/camel-idea-plugin/camel-idea-plugin/issues/309

You can use the +1 to indicate its something desired.

I personally would also like to have such feature but haven't had much spare time to work on this as I am busy with regular work, and also finishing my Camel book.

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Claus Ibsen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Claus Ibsen

I don't think there is yet a nice plugin that can format Java DSL code as desired.

At best we can only disable formatting the specific DSL parts in Java code. I would recommend to use the formatter on/off feature in IntelliJ IDEA for Camel DSL routes:

// @formatter:off
// @formatter:on

You can find the Formatter Control settings in Preferences... -> Editor -> Code Style (as of 2017.2.3).

Refer to other StackOverflow questions such as this for more details on the IntelliJ feature:
How to disable code formatting for some part of the code using comments?

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Tadayoshi Sato Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Tadayoshi Sato