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How to pass generic Object as a Generic parameter on other method in java?




I meet a trouble in using generic method

Compiled class:

public class Something<T> {
   public static Something newInstance(Class<T> type){};
   public <T> void doSomething(T input){};

and my method is:

public <S> void doOtherThing(S input){
      Something smt = Something.newInstance(input.getClass());
      smt.doSomething(input); // Error here

It got error at Compile time:

no suitable method found for doSomething(T) T cannot be converted to capture#1 of ? extends java.lang.Object ...

I think there might be a trick to avoid this, please help

like image 798
lethanh Avatar asked Sep 23 '16 09:09


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2 Answers

Pass the S class as an argument.

public class Something<T>
    public static <T> Something<T> newInstance(Class<T> type)
        return new Something<T>();

    public void doSomething(T input){;}

    public <S> void doOtherThing(Class<S> clazz, S input)
        Something<S> smt = Something.newInstance(clazz);
like image 106
Bastien Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11


I think input.getClass() need be cast to Class<T>

public <S> void doOtherThing(S input){
      Something smt = Something.newInstance((Class<T>)input.getClass());
like image 26
ChenHuang Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
