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Anyone know of a good .Net Chess Engine




I'm looking for a decent .Net chess engine. If there is a good chess existing one, any recommendation as to a good candidate to port to .Net?

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Greg Dean Avatar asked Apr 17 '09 09:04

Greg Dean

People also ask

Which chess site has the best engine?

Stockfish. Stockfish is currently the strongest chess engine available to the public. As an open-source engine, an entire community of people is helping to develop and improve it. Like many others, Stockfish has included neural networks in its code to make even better evaluations of chess positions.

Is AlphaZero the best chess engine?

AlphaZero is the subject of much controversy in the chess world. Some today (a majority of our members!) insist that it is still the strongest chess engine the world has ever seen, that Google DeepMind's chess-playing neural network is still superior to the latest versions of Stockfish and Leela Chess Zero.

Who is better Stockfish vs AlphaZero?

AlphaZero also bested Stockfish in a series of time-odds matches, soundly beating the traditional engine even at time odds of 10 to one. In additional matches, the new AlphaZero beat the "latest development version" of Stockfish, with virtually identical results as the match vs Stockfish 8, according to DeepMind.

What is the strongest chess AI?

AlphaZero, the game-playing AI created by Google sibling DeepMind, has beaten the world's best chess-playing computer program, having taught itself how to play in under four hours.

1 Answers

Not an engine as such, but Valil.Chess is a good .NET chess game (with source code available - so you can get to the "engine" of the game) which won the Nov 2004 Submission Prize at Code Project.

There is also SharpChess, which is also a complete chess game, written in C#.

As for general Chess engines that could be converted to .NET, there are many available, and depending upon the challenge, you could pick and choose from lots of engines to implement within .NET. A good starting point list is here and also shows the Elo Rating of each engine. Even a re-implementing of the server-side of the FICS would certainly represent a challenge! :)

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CraigTP Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
