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The name 'File' does not exist in the current context




I am a beginner in c# programming. I am gettting error The name 'File' does not exist in the current context.

Problem must be in the line var v = File.ReadLines("dictionary.txt");

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication7
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length > 0)
                var v = File.ReadLines("dictionary.txt");
like image 696
Dovydas Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 08:06


4 Answers

Just add this using statement to the top of you file

using System.IO;

The compiler only recognises classes from namespaces that you have in the current context. You add namespace to the context using using statements. You can also use a fully qualified type name such as System.IO.File to refer to the class.

If you are using Visual Studio you can also place the cursor on the problematic symbol (File) and press Shift + Alt + F10

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vidstige Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10


For anyone using Visual Studio 2015 this error will still occur even if System.IO is referenced. The problem is that by default a Visual Studio 2015 project will target both the dnx451 and dnxcore50 frameworks, and the System.IO assembly doesn't seem to be available for dnxcore50.

If you look in the project.json file you'll see a "frameworks" section. The quick fix is to comment out the "dnxcore50" entry so that you're only targeting dnx451:

"dnxcore50": {
    "dependencies": {
        "System.Console": "4.0.0-beta-22816",
        "System.Collections": "4.0.10-beta-22816",
        "System.Linq": "4.0.0-beta-22816",
        "System.Threading": "4.0.10-beta-22816",
        "Microsoft.CSharp": "4.0.0-beta-22816"
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Ciarán Bruen Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10

Ciarán Bruen

Add using System.IO; to your usings section.

File class is located in System.IO namespace.

Alternatively (if it is the only place in your code where you're using some type from System.IO) you can use fully qualified name of File like:

var v = System.IO.File.ReadLines("dictionary.txt");

But in the case when you need to access objects from some namespace multiple times in your code, it is better to inculde that namespace in usings.

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Andrey Korneyev Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10

Andrey Korneyev

You need to include System.IO add using System.IO next to other usings.

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Matas Vaitkevicius Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10

Matas Vaitkevicius