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Any way to just view conflicts in Visual Studio 2012

Is it possible to just view conflicts in Visual Studio 2012, without merging or checking in. In 2012 you used to be able to Get Latest Version then go to the pending view and click the show conflicts icon.

I'm keen know if you can do this without any add-ons / external commands, i.e. just using what Visual Studio 2012 standard installation has, without for example either of the following:

Team pilgrim: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/79e9baa7-ea8b-4335-86ba-ae929bf67222

Or: tf checkin

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SDK Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 09:01


People also ask

How do I view conflicts in Visual Studio?

The Git Changes window shows a list of files with conflicts under Unmerged Changes. To start resolving conflicts, double-click a file. Or if you have a file with conflicts opened in the editor, you can select Open Merge Editor.

How do I see merge conflicts?

To see the beginning of the merge conflict in your file, search the file for the conflict marker <<<<<<< . When you open the file in your text editor, you'll see the changes from the HEAD or base branch after the line <<<<<<< HEAD .

How can I see the conflicts in git?

The status command is in frequent use when a working with Git and during a merge it will help identify conflicted files. Passing the --merge argument to the git log command will produce a log with a list of commits that conflict between the merging branches.

2 Answers

I was just searching for an answer to this myself, when I found out how you can do this. Here is how to can just view conflicts.

Go to the Team Explorer and select Pending changes. In the Pending changes window there is a dropdown menu named Actions, click that menu and in the menu is an option Resolve conflicts. Click that option and a window will be opened showing all conflicts in the workspace similar to the resolve conflicts window of VS2010.

Hope it helps.

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urk_forever Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09


Use the "Compare To" option in the right click menu. You can choose to generate a diff between any two versions.

Alternatively, you can do basically the same option with 2012. You can get latest, which will throw any conflicts that exist between the local version and the server version. Conflicts can then be resolved locally, and then either discarded or checked in.

To remove automatic conflict resolution:

`Ctrl+Q --> "Conflict" --> ENTER --> Uncheck "Attempt to automatically resolve conflicts when they are generated"

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Andrew Clear Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Andrew Clear