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How to create a new branch in TFS

I see this has been "answered" a few times before... but when inside Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, there appears to be no way of creating a branch by right clicking on the solution.

How do I create a new branch in TFS. I come from GIT if that helps to explain to me.

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Jimmyt1988 Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 10:08


People also ask

Are there branches in TFS?

Branching in TFVC uses path-based branches that create a folder structure. When you create a branch, you define a source, usually the main folder, and a target. Then files from the main folder are copied into your branch.

1 Answers

View -> Other Windows -> Source Control Explorer

Right click on the solution / item you want to branch -> Branching and Merging

Note: For this to work your solution must already be in TFS.

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thllbrg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
