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Any Good Opensource Analytics front end tool? [closed]

Is there any good open source web-based front end analytics tool that can talk to HIVE/HDFS for data ?

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AlgoMan Avatar asked Apr 11 '11 22:04


People also ask

Is there a free alternative to Google Analytics?

Free plan available. Fathom Analytics – A privacy-focused analytics tool that's easy to use. Mixpanel – Best for product analytics. Matomo – Best Google Analytics alternative with heatmap functionality.

What are front end analytics tools?

Front End Analytics powers its customers' digital transformation by providing novel predictive solutions that use Physics-based Simulations and Predictive Analytics methods such as Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence.

1 Answers

Two that I recently became aware of are:

I don't have a lot of info on these yet, have just begun researching them, but... It's two I'm aware of and wanted to share.

UPDATE: I found out about Snowfinch and wanted to include it in my answer

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QuinnG Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09
