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Any difference between f() and (f())?



Any difference between

var myfunc = (function () { return function () { ... } }());


var myfunc = function () { return function () { ... } }();

Is it just a matter of style or is there more to the surrounding () in the first form?

like image 855
user2526241 Avatar asked Jun 27 '13 01:06


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For instance, in statistics, F(x) and f(x) mean two different functions. F(x) represents the cumulative distribution function, or cdf in short, of a random variable as opposed to f(x) which represents the probability density function, or pdf, of the continuous random variable.

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2 Answers

Nope. Or at least not in your example.

The outer parens only matter when the function keyword would be the first token in a statement.

// cool
var foo = function(){}();
var foo = (function(){}());

// also cool

// not cool, syntax error
// parsed as function statement, expects function name which is missing

// also not cool, syntax error
// declares a function, but can't be executed immediately
function foo(){}();

When function is the first token in a statement, it's a function declaration (think named function), which behaves slightly differently than function in all other contexts. That leading paren forces the parses to treat it like a function expression (think anonymous function) instead, which allows immediate execution.

See: What is the difference between a function expression vs declaration in JavaScript?

If you start the line or statement with something else, like variable declaration, it technically doesn't matter at all.

like image 173
Alex Wayne Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Alex Wayne

No difference, though Crockford advises the use of the former, to ascertain that it's being treated as a function expression.

For more info, read these:

  • Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
  • Named function expressions demystified
like image 27
Joseph Silber Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Joseph Silber