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Ansible: Provided hosts list is empty

I have this below playbook where the remote host is an user input and subsequently I am trying to gather facts about the remote host and copy the same to a file in local:

- hosts: localhost
      name: hostname
      prompt: "Enter Hostname"
    - name: Add hosts to known_hosts file
      add_host: name={{ hostname }} groups=new
    - name: Check if Host is reachable
      shell: ansible -m ping {{ hostname }}
    - name: Remove existing remote hosts
      shell: ssh-keygen -R {{ hostname }}
    - name: Setup passwordless SSH login
      shell: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@{{ hostname }}
    - name: Display facts
      command: ansible {{ groups['new'] }} -m setup
      register: output
    - copy: content="{{ output }}" dest=/var/tmp/dir/Node_Health/temp

I get the below error in the temp file:

Node_Health]# cat temp
{"start": "2016-06-17 09:26:59.174155", "delta": "0:00:00.279268", "cmd": ["ansible", "[udl360x4675]", "-m", "setup"], "end": "2016-06-17 09:26:59.453423", "stderr": " [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "changed": true, "rc": 0, "warnings":

I also tried the below playbook which also gives the same error:

 - hosts: localhost
      name: hostname
      prompt: "Enter Hostname"
    - name: Add hosts to known_hosts file
      add_host: name={{ hostname }} groups=new
    - name: Check if Host is reachable
      shell: ansible -m ping {{ hostname }}
    - name: Remove existing remote hosts
      shell: ssh-keygen -R {{ hostname }}
    - name: Setup passwordless SSH login
      shell: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@{{ hostname }}
- hosts: new
    - name: Display facts
      command: ansible {{ groups['new'] }} -m setup
      register: output
    - local_action: copy content="{{ output }}" dest=/var/tmp/dir/Node_Health/temp

Any help will be appreciated.

like image 515
Supratim Das Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 09:06

Supratim Das

People also ask

How do I see Ansible hosts?

You can use the option --list-hosts. It will show all the host IPs from your inventory file.

What is localhost in Ansible?

This ensures that the proper connection and Python are used to execute your tasks locally. You can override the built-in implicit version by creating a localhost host entry in your inventory. At that point, all implicit behaviors are ignored; the localhost in inventory is treated just like any other host.

3 Answers

Ansible assumes that you have all your hosts in an inventory file somewhere.

add_host only adds your host to the currently running Ansible, and that doesn't propagate to the copy of Ansible you call.

You're going to have to either:

  • change the command to use an inline inventory list, like ansible all -i '{{ hostname }},' -m setup (More details re the use of -i '<hostname>,' here

  • or write out the hostname to a file, and use that as your inventory file

like image 175
Kyle Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10


Put your hosts in a hosts.ini file, with the following syntax:

node_u1 ansible_user=root   ansible_host=
node_u2 ansible_user=root   ansible_host=
node_u3 ansible_user=root   ansible_host=
node_u4 ansible_user=root   ansible_host=
node_u5 ansible_user=root   ansible_host=

Running ansible, use: ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini

You can also save your hosts file in /etc/ansible/hosts to avoid passing hosts as parameters. Ansible looks there as a default location. Then just run using:

ansible-playbook <playbook.yml>
like image 29
Federico Caccia Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Federico Caccia

For me it looks that thay don't know where the inventory file is located.

I used cmd:
ansible-playbook name.yml -i hostfile

like image 2
Kiloparówek Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10
