I am newbie to the ansible
We are doing our deployments via ansible and a bastion host is provisioned for the deployments.
The current approach I am using is to clone the ansible repo in bastion host and run the commands from that folder
My question is it possible to run the ansible code through the local machine through bastion??
(basically, avoid the repo in bastion host)
Let's say you want to provision a couple of VMs
in your development environment going through your
bastion. Your inventory looks a bit like this
Then you can edit your ~/.ssh/config
and add
Host bastion
User youruser
Host 172.20.*
ProxyJump bastion
User youruser
Then you can test a ssh
that should land you in your first VM. If it works for SSH, Ansible should work the same.
Note, you can run ansible with -vvv
(or is it one more v
, not sure atm), you'll see the SSH commands Ansible is running.
Note 2, ProxyJump requires a recent OpenSSH, 6.7 at least if I remember correctly
host remoto :
user remoto : application_user
ssh key : app_ssh_key
host bastian : 212.34.345.12
user bastian : bastian_user
ssh key: bastian_ssh_key
and using key to access with ssh (you have to store keys in a secure storage, not with ansible playbook).
$ ssh application_user@ -i path/to/app_ssh_key \
-o ProxyCommand="ssh -q bastian_user@212.34.345.12 -i path/to/bastian_ssh_key -W %h:%p"
you can use two method:
Use variables for inventory machine/group, in order to have different connection option for different machine/group.
Add to inventory file:
ansible_ssh_common_args= -o ProxyCommand="ssh -q bastian_user@212.34.345.12 -i path/to/bastian_ssh_key -W %h:%p"
Single configuration valid for all inventory machines.
Add to/replace in ansible.cfg
remote_user = application_user
ssh_args=-i path/to/app_ssh_key -o ProxyCommand="ssh -q bastian_user@212.34.345.12 -i path/to/bastian_ssh_key -W %h:%p"
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