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Anonymous vs named inner classes? - best practices?

I have a class, let's call it LineGraph, that renders a line graph. I need to subclass it, but the derived class is only used in one place and is coupled to the class that uses it. So I am using an inner class.

I see two ways to do this:

Anonymous inner class

public class Gui {     LineGraph graph = new LineGraph() {         // extra functionality here.     }; } 

Named inner class

public class Gui {     MyLineGraph graph = new MyLineGraph();      private class MyLineGraph extends LineGraph {         // extra functionality here.     } } 

I am not a fan of anonymous inner classes, because frankly I just think it looks really ugly. But in the case of a subclass that's only used in one place, is a named inner class overkill? What is the accepted practice?

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Joe Attardi Avatar asked Apr 03 '09 16:04

Joe Attardi

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1 Answers

One advantage of anonymous inner classes is that no one can ever use it anywhere else, whereas a named inner class can be used (if only by the class that created it if made private). It's a small distinction, but it does mean that you can protect an inner class from being accidentally used elsewhere.

Also, using the anonymous inner class gives anyone reading your code a head's up - "this class is being used just here and nowhere else." If you see a named inner class, someone might think it'd be used in multiple places in the class.

They are very similar, so neither point is a game-changer. I just think it helps for clarity if you use anonymous inner classes for one-offs, and named inner classes when it's used multiple times within the class.

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Dan Lew Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10

Dan Lew