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Animating UICollectionView contentOffset does not display non-visible cells

I'm working on some ticker-like functionality and am using a UICollectionView. It was originally a scrollView, but we figure a collectionView will make it easier to add/remove cells.

I am animating the collectionView with the following:

- (void)beginAnimation {
    [UIView animateWithDuration:((self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.width - self.collectionView.contentOffset.x) / 75) delay:0 options:(UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear | UIViewAnimationOptionRepeat | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState) animations:^{
        self.collectionView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.width, 0);
    } completion:nil];

This works fine for the scroll view, and the animation is happening with the collection view. However, only the cells that are visible at the end of the animation are actually rendered. Adjusting the contentOffset is not causing cellForItemAtIndexPath to be called. How can I get the cells to render when the contentOffset changes?

EDIT: For a bit more reference (not sure if it's much help):

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    TickerElementCell *cell = (TickerElementCell *)[collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"TickerElementCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
    cell.ticker = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    return cell;

- (void)controllerDidChangeContent:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller {

    // ...

    [self loadTicker];

- (void)loadTicker {

    // ...

    if (self.animating) {
        [self updateAnimation];
    else {
        [self beginAnimation];

- (void)beginAnimation {

    if (self.animating) {
        [self endAnimation];

    if ([self.tickerElements count] && !self.animating && !self.paused) {
        self.animating = YES;
        self.collectionView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(1, 0);
        [UIView animateWithDuration:((self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.width - self.collectionView.contentOffset.x) / 75) delay:0 options:(UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptionRepeat | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState) animations:^{
            self.collectionView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.width, 0);
        } completion:nil];
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ravun Avatar asked Mar 13 '14 20:03


3 Answers

You should simply add [self.view layoutIfNeeded]; inside the animation block, like so:

[UIView animateWithDuration:((self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.width - self.collectionView.contentOffset.x) / 75) delay:0 options:(UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptionRepeat | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState) animations:^{
            self.collectionView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.width, 0);
            [self.view layoutIfNeeded];
        } completion:nil];
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AmitP Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11


You could try using a CADisplayLink to drive the animation yourself. This is not too hard to set up since you are using a Linear animation curve anyway. Here's a basic implementation that may work for you:

@property (nonatomic, strong) CADisplayLink *displayLink;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CFTimeInterval lastTimerTick;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat animationPointsPerSecond;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint finalContentOffset;

-(void)beginAnimation {
    self.lastTimerTick = 0;
    self.animationPointsPerSecond = 50;
    self.finalContentOffset = CGPointMake(..., ...);
    self.displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(displayLinkTick:)];
    [self.displayLink setFrameInterval:1];
    [self.displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];

-(void)endAnimation {
    [self.displayLink invalidate];
    self.displayLink = nil;

-(void)displayLinkTick {
    if (self.lastTimerTick = 0) {
        self.lastTimerTick = self.displayLink.timestamp;
    CFTimeInterval currentTimestamp = self.displayLink.timestamp;
    CGPoint newContentOffset = self.collectionView.contentOffset;
    newContentOffset.x += self.animationPointsPerSecond * (currentTimestamp - self.lastTimerTick)
    self.collectionView.contentOffset = newContentOffset;

    self.lastTimerTick = currentTimestamp;

    if (newContentOffset.x >= self.finalContentOffset.x)
        [self endAnimation];
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devdavid Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11


I've built upon what's already in these answers and made a generic manual animator, as everything can be distilled down to a percentage float value and a block.

class ManualAnimator {
    enum AnimationCurve {
        case linear, parametric, easeInOut, easeIn, easeOut
        func modify(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
            switch self {
            case .linear:
                return x
            case .parametric:
                return x.parametric
            case .easeInOut:
                return x.quadraticEaseInOut
            case .easeIn:
                return x.quadraticEaseIn
            case .easeOut:
                return x.quadraticEaseOut
    private var displayLink: CADisplayLink?
    private var start = Date()
    private var total = TimeInterval(0)
    private var closure: ((CGFloat) -> Void)?
    private var animationCurve: AnimationCurve = .linear
    func animate(duration: TimeInterval, curve: AnimationCurve = .linear, _ animations: @escaping (CGFloat) -> Void) {
        guard duration > 0 else { animations(1.0); return }
        start = Date()
        closure = animations
        total = duration
        animationCurve = curve
        let d = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(tick))
        d.add(to: .current, forMode: .common)
        displayLink = d

    @objc private func tick() {
        let delta = Date().timeIntervalSince(start)
        var percentage = animationCurve.modify(CGFloat(delta) / CGFloat(total))
        //print("%:", percentage)
        if percentage < 0.0 { percentage = 0.0 }
        else if percentage >= 1.0 { percentage = 1.0; reset() }

    private func reset() {
        displayLink = nil

extension CGFloat {
    fileprivate var parametric: CGFloat {
        guard self > 0.0 else { return 0.0 }
        guard self < 1.0 else { return 1.0 }
        return ((self * self) / (2.0 * ((self * self) - self) + 1.0))
    fileprivate var quadraticEaseInOut: CGFloat {
        guard self > 0.0 else { return 0.0 }
        guard self < 1.0 else { return 1.0 }
        if self < 0.5 { return 2 * self * self }
        return (-2 * self * self) + (4 * self) - 1
    fileprivate var quadraticEaseOut: CGFloat {
        guard self > 0.0 else { return 0.0 }
        guard self < 1.0 else { return 1.0 }
        return -self * (self - 2)
    fileprivate var quadraticEaseIn: CGFloat {
        guard self > 0.0 else { return 0.0 }
        guard self < 1.0 else { return 1.0 }
        return self * self


let initialOffset = collectionView.contentOffset.y
let delta = collectionView.bounds.size.height
let animator = ManualAnimator()
animator.animate(duration: TimeInterval(1.0), curve: .easeInOut) { [weak self] (percentage) in
    guard let `self` = self else { return }
    self.collectionView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: initialOffset + (delta * percentage))
    if percentage == 1.0 { print("Done") }

It might be worth combining the animate function with an init method.. it's not a huge deal though.

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Magoo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11
