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AngularJS xeditable number field with float validation




I have issue with AngularJS. If I use xeditable

<a editable-number="some.object"....

I can't input float numbers... So, how can I add float numbers and have float validation in view ?

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Oleh Sobchuk Avatar asked Sep 08 '14 18:09

Oleh Sobchuk

1 Answers

You need to set the step attribute of the <input type="number"> tag to "any".

One way to solve this is to take advantage of xeditable's e-* syntax, where any attribute you specify that begins with e- will be passed through to the underlying input tag:

<a editable-number="some.object" e-step="any">{{some.object || 'Enter Number'}}</a>
like image 170
Sunil D. Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10

Sunil D.