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AngularJs watch window variable



In angularJs is possible to watch a global variable?

I set a window.test variable from legacy code, then I need to watch that variable to know if it exists.

I've tried something like

$window.$watch("test" , function(n,o){
    //some code here...
like image 759
Tropicalista Avatar asked Dec 18 '13 19:12


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1 Answers

Somewhat. You can if you include the Angular $window service (which is safer, as explained in the docs, than accessing window directly):

app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope,$window) {...}

And then use a watch function as the first parameter to your $watch like so:

    function () {
        return $window.test 
    }, function(n,o){
        console.log("changed ",n);

demo fiddle

But note that the $watch won't execute until something triggers Angular to do a $digest. One possible way to do that is to wrap your legacy code in a $scope.$apply or trigger a $digest once the legacy code has exectuted. Here's some good documentation on this.

Basically whenever a change happens outside of angular (for instance this is a common issue when jQuery causes the change) something has to tell Angular to go see if something changed. It's one way Angular maintains reasonable performance.

like image 110
KayakDave Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
