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AngularJS routing not working after site hosted into IIS

We are creating SPA technique using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC framework,AngularJS routing between pages are working fine when it's run from VS2013,but after hosting the application in to IIS7.5 routing not working,

Routing Script:

   var appRoot = angular.module('main', ['ngRoute', 'ngGrid', 'ngResource']);     //Define the main module

        .config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
            //Setup routes to load partial templates from server. TemplateUrl is the location for the server view (Razor .cshtml view)
                .when('/home', { templateUrl: '/home/main', controller: 'HomeController' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/home' });
        .controller('RootController', ['$scope', '$route', '$routeParams', '$location', function ($scope, $route, $routeParams, $location) {
            $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (e, current, previous) {
                $scope.activeViewPath = $location.path();


 <li class="mt" data-ng-class="{active : activeViewPath==='/home'}">
                    <a href='#/home'>
                        <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i>
                        <span>Dashboard Home</span>

  <div class="col-lg-9 main-chart" ng-view="">

Project Structure:

enter image description here

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Ravuthasamy Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 20:02


2 Answers

do you get any JS error when you run it on IIS?

are you using bundles? If so check if the problem happens because of minification/bundle creation adding BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; in RegisterBundles method and trying again in VS.

Otherwise I suggest you to run on local IIS (right click on project, tab "Web",section "Servers") and see if it works correctly.

Depending of your routing you should <base href="@Url.Content("~/")" /> in template head and get rid of "#" from url using $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); on route configuration.

If none of the above are useful please add more details to your request.

Have a nice day,


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Alberto Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 03:03


Are you deploying your solution as a website or as an application on a virtual path? In other words, when you deploy your app what is url? Is it something like "myapp.mydomain.com" or "domain.com/myapp"?

If the latter, then the problem is that the request for the template { templateUrl: '/home/main' } will go to domain.com/home/main and not to domain.com/myapp/home/main when you expect it.

According to : Stating directive templateUrl relative to root just remove '/' in the template url and it should work: { templateUrl: 'home/main' }

The other option is to deploy your website to its own subdomain.

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milanio Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 05:03
