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AngularJS is rendering <br> as text not as a newline

I am sure this has been asked before but I cannot find the answer.

I have an AngularJS script that is pulling from a DB and then rendering to content. Everything is working correctly except a couple of places that I am trying to concatenate some words with new lines between them.

 **in the script.js** groupedList[aIndex].CATEGORY = existingCategory+'\n'+thisCategory; groupedList[aIndex].CATEGORY = existingCategory+'<br>'+thisCategory; 

If I use the first line of the above code I don't see anything but there is not a new line in the redered html. If I use the second line the <br> get rendered as text and the output looks like this:


instead of

Instinct Media 

I can post the full script if that would be helpful but I am guessing there is something simple that I am just not seeing.

UPDATE Here is the full js

function qCtrl($scope, $filter, $http, $timeout){      $scope.getCategories = function(){$http.post('quote.cfc?method=getCategories').success(function(data) { $scope.categories = data; });   }     $scope.getClassifications = function(){$http.post('quote.cfc?method=getClassifications').success(function(data) {   $scope.classifications = data;  }); }     $scope.getIndustries = function(){$http.post('quote.cfc?method=getIndustries').success(function(data) { $scope.industries = data;   }); }     $scope.getKeywords = function(){$http.post('quote.cfc?method=getKeywords').success(function(data) { $scope.keywords = data; }); }     $scope.getSources = function(){$http.post('quote.cfc?method=getSources').success(function(data) {   $scope.sources = data;  }); }      $scope.getAllQuotes = function(){$http.post('quote.cfc?method=getAllQuotesJoined').success(function(data) { $scope.allQuotes = data;    }); }      $scope.initScopes = function (){         $scope.getCategories();         $scope.getClassifications();         $scope.getIndustries();         $scope.getKeywords();         $scope.getSources();         $scope.getAllQuotes();     }        $scope.initScopes();      // SEARCH QUOTES     $scope.filteredQuotes = $scope.allQuotes;     $scope.search = {searchField:''};      $scope.searchQuote = function(){         var filter = $filter('filter');         var searchCrit = $scope.search;         var newlist = $scope.allQuotes;         var groupedList = [];         var idList = [];         newlist = filter(newlist,{TESTQUOTE:searchCrit.searchField});         for(i=0;i<10;i++){             aIndex = idList.contains(newlist[i].TESTIMONIALID);             if(aIndex >= 0){                 thisKeyword = newlist[i].KEYWORD;                 thisClassification = newlist[i].CLASSIFICATION;                 thisCategory = newlist[i].CATEGORY;                 existingKeyword = groupedList[aIndex].KEYWORD;                 existingClassification = groupedList[aIndex].CLASSIFICATION;                 existingCategory = groupedList[aIndex].CATEGORY;                 if(thisKeyword != '' && existingKeyword.indexOf(thisKeyword) == -1){                     groupedList[aIndex].KEYWORD = existingKeyword+' - '+thisKeyword;                 }                  if(thisClassification != '' && existingClassification.indexOf(thisClassification) == -1){                     groupedList[aIndex].CLASSIFICATION = existingClassification+' \n '+thisClassification;                 }                  if(thisCategory != '' && existingCategory.indexOf(thisCategory) == -1){                     groupedList[aIndex].CATEGORY = existingCategory+'<br>'+thisCategory;                 }                            } else {                 idList.push(newlist[i].TESTIMONIALID);                 groupedList.push(newlist[i]);             }         }         $scope.filteredQuotes = groupedList;       } } Array.prototype.contains = function ( needle ) {    for (j in this) {        if (this[j] == needle) return j;    }    return -1; } 

Here is the HTML

<div ng-repeat="q in filteredQuotes" class="well clearfix">                         <h3>{{q.TITLE}}</h3>                         <div class="row-fluid" style="margin-bottom:5px;">                             <div class="span3 well-small whBG"><h4>Classification</h4>{{q.CLASSIFICATION}}</div>                             <div class="span3 well-small whBG pipeHolder"><h4>Categories</h4>{{q.CATEGORY}}</div>                             <div class="span3 well-small whBG"><h4>Key Words</h4>{{q.KEYWORD}}</div>                             <div class="span3 well-small whBG"><h4>Additional</h4>Industry = {{q.INDUSTRY}}<br>Source = {{q.SOURCE}}</div>                         </div>                         <div class="well whBG">{{q.TESTQUOTE}}</div>                         <div class="tiny">                             Source comment : {{q.SOURCECOMMENT}}<br>                             Additional Comment : {{q.COMMENT}}                         </div>                     </div>                 </div> 
like image 728
Lance Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 17:02


1 Answers

You can use \n to concatenate words and then apply this style to container div.

style="white-space: pre;" 

More info can be found at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/white-space

<p style="white-space: pre;">      This is normal text.  </p>  <p style="white-space: pre;">      This     text     contains     new lines.  </p>
like image 166
vinesh Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09
