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How do I interpolate a variable as a key in a JavaScript object?

How can I use the value of the variable a as a key to lookup a property? I want to be able to say: b["whatever"] and have this return 20:

var a = "whatever"; var b = {a : 20};     // Want this to assign b.whatever alert(b["whatever"]); // so that this shows 20, not `undefined` 

I am asking if it's possible during the creation of b, to have it contain "whatever":20 instead of a:20 where "whatever" is itself in a variable. Maybe an eval could be used?

like image 985
Geo Avatar asked Apr 12 '11 20:04


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1 Answers

var a = "whatever"; var b = {}; b[a] = 20; alert(b["whatever"]); // shows 20 
like image 182
mVChr Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
