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Angularjs $interval returns fn is not a function

I want to check if cookie exists with $interval. I am calling $interval on page load. This call periodically throws an error:

> TypeError: fn is not a function
>     at callback (angular.js:12516)
>     at Scope.$eval (angular.js:17444)
>     at Scope.$digest (angular.js:17257)
>     at Scope.$apply (angular.js:17552)
>     at tick (angular.js:12506)

I really don't understand why.

Here is my code:

.controller("loginController", ["$scope", "$http", "$window", "$document", "$interval", "$cookies",
    function ($scope, $http, $window, $document, $interval, $cookies) {

    var stopInterval;
    $scope.CheckLoginCookie = function () {

        if ($cookies.get("Login") != null) {

            if (angular.isDefined(stopInterval)) {
                stopInterval = undefined;

            $window.location.href = $scope.UrlNotes;

    $scope.Repeat = function ()
        stopInterval = $interval($scope.CheckLoginCookie(), 1000);

Code is being called from $document.ready:

$document.ready(function () {      
like image 280
FrenkyB Avatar asked Jul 20 '16 11:07


1 Answers

You added the result of the function instead of the function itself. Calling $scope.CheckLoginCookie() will return undefined, but $interval expects a callback instead.

$interval($scope.CheckLoginCookie, 1000);

If the function requires parameters, just use it like this:

$interval(function() {
    $scope.CheckLoginCookie(param1, param2);
}, 1000);
like image 126
str Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09
