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AngularJS: Inheritance for HTML Templates


How do I prevent Code-Duplication in similar HTML-Templates?


I have several different Templates for the same view/directive which I want to change depending on the environment. The templates are mostly identical but contain some parts which need to be changed depending on the environment.


A view to enter userdata might look like this to an admin:

<p> Username: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.username"></input>

<p> Firstname: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.firstname"></input>

<p> Lastname: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.lastname"></input>

<p> Authorization-level: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.authlevel"></input>

However I need to show basically the same view to a user without allowing him to change his Authorization-level:

<p> Username: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.username"></input>

<p> Firstname: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.firstname"></input>

<p> Lastname: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.lastname"></input>

<p> Authorization-level: </p>

I would like to prevent duplicating the code for both templates.

Possible solutions:


Obviously, I could use ng-if to exchange html-blocks within a template depending on conditions. However, this does not scale well. The above example is simple, but imagine I have 5-10 different versions of a template. The code becomes increasingly hard to read with the number of versions of this template. Also, I would ideally like to prevent shipping the code for the admin-view to the user, which I can't if it is contained in the same html-file.

custom directives

I could wrap every HTML-node which needs to be replaced in its own directive. This would keep the main-template clean and I could exchange the HTML-Template for the directive depending on the environment. However, all those additional directives would cause a ton of boilerplate-code.

(This seems to be closest to Angular2's components though)

third-party-library angular-blocks

I found angular-blocks which seems to be tackling the issue I want to solve quite well . However, it doesn't seem to be very popular and looking at the implementation I am concerned that this might cause performance issues on large applications (due to several nested $compile-calls).

Are there any options that I am missing? Do you know about any best-practices or style-guides for this?

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H W Avatar asked Nov 29 '16 13:11


2 Answers

Make a template and use it with ng-include

I have a similar situation in my project where I use ng-include along with a couple ternaries or ng-switches to achieve something similar to what you're looking for.

Put your first code block in a file and call it something like userTemplate.js. But change your authlevel section to account for the variation. In this case, I'd use ng-switch (but sometimes a ternary is all you need):

<p> Username: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.username"></input>

<p> Firstname: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.firstname"></input>

<p> Lastname: </p>
<input ng-model="ctrl.lastname"></input>

<p> Authorization-level: </p>
<div ng-switch="ctrl.authlevel">
  <p ng-switch-when="user">{{ ctrl.authlevel }}</p>
  <input ng-switch-when="admin" ng-model="ctrl.authlevel"></input>

Then everytime you need this chunk of code, you can use it in another view with ng-include. For example, in a user edit form:

<form class="user-form" ...>
  <div class="basic-info" ng-include="/path/to/userTemplate.js"></div>
  <input type="submit" />

The nice thing with this approach is that with a little forethought and careful design, you can make these templates so versatile that they can be used for creating new resources or viewing or editing existing resources.

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Scott Schupbach Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

Scott Schupbach

One option would be to use ng-switch, and in the new angular 1.6 release candidate there is a option called ng-switch-when-separator. https://code.angularjs.org/1.6.0-rc.2/docs/api/ng/directive/ngSwitch. With it you can give multiple options to one ng-switch-when:

<div ng-switch="$ctrl.view">
  <p> Username: </p>
  <input ng-model="ctrl.username"></input>

  <p> Firstname: </p>
  <input ng-model="ctrl.firstname"></input>

  <p> Lastname: </p>
  <input ng-model="ctrl.lastname"></input>

  <p> Authorization-level: </p>
  <input ng-model="ctrl.authlevel" ng-switch-when="version1|version2|version3" ng-switch-when-separator="|"></input>
  <span ng-bind="ctrl.authlevel" ng-switch-when="version4|version5" ng-switch-when-separator="|"></span>

Another cool option could be Multi-slot transclusion (I have never used it) https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngTransclude

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Rusty Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
