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AngularJS, $http and transformResponse

I'm getting a strange behaviour with AngularJS's $http and not really understanding how transformResponse works (the docs are a bit light on this one).

    WebAssets.get = function () {
        return $http.get('/api/webassets/list', {
            transformResponse: [function (data, headersGetter) {
                // not sure what to do here?!
                return data;
            }].concat($http.defaults.transformResponse) // presume this isn't needed, added for clarity
        }).then(function (response) {
            return new WebAssets(response.data);

The api returns an array of objects:

[{"webasset_name": "...", "application_id": "...", "etc": "..."}, ... ]

But when transformResponse has done it's evil business the data has transformed into an indexed object:

{"0":{"webasset_name":"...","application_id":"...", "etc": "..."}, "1":....}

I want to keep the original data structure (an array of objects).

like image 606
Rob B Avatar asked Aug 09 '13 12:08

Rob B

2 Answers

To get angular to not convert your data into an object you need to override the behavior of the default $httpProvider.defaults.transformResponse. It is actually an array of transformers. You could just set it to be empty: $http.defaults.transformResponse = []; Here is an example transformer I have used to convert 64-bit long ints to strings:

function longsToStrings(response) {
    //console.log("transforming response");
    var numbers = /("[^"]*":\s*)(\d{15,})([,}])/g;
    var newResponse = response.replace(numbers, "$1\"$2\"$3");
    return newResponse;

To add a transformer to the default list, say ahead of the JSON deserializer, you can do this:

like image 141
aet Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09


Resource 0: "f" 1: "a" 2: "l" 3: "s" 4: "e" This finally worked for me:

   transformResponse: function (data, headersGetter) {
    return { isCorrect: angular.fromJson(data) }
like image 40
Aleksandr Gembinski Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Aleksandr Gembinski