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AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?

I have two Angular controllers:

function Ctrl1($scope) {     $scope.prop1 = "First"; }  function Ctrl2($scope) {     $scope.prop2 = "Second";     $scope.both = Ctrl1.prop1 + $scope.prop2; //This is what I would like to do ideally } 

I can't use Ctrl1 inside Ctrl2 because it is undefined. However if I try to pass it in like so…

function Ctrl2($scope, Ctrl1) {     $scope.prop2 = "Second";     $scope.both = Ctrl1.prop1 + $scope.prop2; //This is what I would like to do ideally } 

I get an error. Does anyone know how to do this?


Ctrl2.prototype = new Ctrl1(); 

Also fails.

NOTE: These controllers are not nested inside each other.

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dopatraman Avatar asked Aug 17 '12 15:08


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2 Answers

One way to share variables across multiple controllers is to create a service and inject it in any controller where you want to use it.

Simple service example:

angular.module('myApp', [])     .service('sharedProperties', function () {         var property = 'First';          return {             getProperty: function () {                 return property;             },             setProperty: function(value) {                 property = value;             }         };     }); 

Using the service in a controller:

function Ctrl2($scope, sharedProperties) {     $scope.prop2 = "Second";     $scope.both = sharedProperties.getProperty() + $scope.prop2; } 

This is described very nicely in this blog (Lesson 2 and on in particular).

I've found that if you want to bind to these properties across multiple controllers it works better if you bind to an object's property instead of a primitive type (boolean, string, number) to retain the bound reference.

Example: var property = { Property1: 'First' }; instead of var property = 'First';.

UPDATE: To (hopefully) make things more clear here is a fiddle that shows an example of:

  • Binding to static copies of the shared value (in myController1)
    • Binding to a primitive (string)
    • Binding to an object's property (saved to a scope variable)
  • Binding to shared values that update the UI as the values are updated (in myController2)
    • Binding to a function that returns a primitive (string)
    • Binding to the object's property
    • Two way binding to an object's property
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Gloopy Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09


I like to illustrate simple things by simple examples :)

Here is a very simple Service example:

 angular.module('toDo',[])  .service('dataService', function() {    // private variable   var _dataObj = {};    // public API   this.dataObj = _dataObj; })  .controller('One', function($scope, dataService) {   $scope.data = dataService.dataObj; })  .controller('Two', function($scope, dataService) {   $scope.data = dataService.dataObj; }); 

And here the jsbin

And here is a very simple Factory example:

 angular.module('toDo',[])  .factory('dataService', function() {    // private variable   var _dataObj = {};    // public API   return {     dataObj: _dataObj   }; })  .controller('One', function($scope, dataService) {   $scope.data = dataService.dataObj; })  .controller('Two', function($scope, dataService) {   $scope.data = dataService.dataObj; }); 

And here the jsbin

If that is too simple, here is a more sophisticated example

Also see the answer here for related best practices comments

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Dmitri Zaitsev Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Dmitri Zaitsev