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AngularJs functions in expressions

Is there any reason you would choose one technique over another?

 var items = [{val:7},{val:3},{val:4},{val:1}];

First: Ctrl and View

 $scope.doSomething = function(val){
     return val + 10;

 <div ng-repeat="item in items">
     {{ doSomething(item.val) }}

Second: Ctrl and View

      item.val = item.val + 10;
      //item.valAlso = item.val + 10; Or in case you want to preserve model

 <div ng-repeat="item in items">
     {{ item.val }}

I usually prefer the second technique (for instance after an http request), but I am wondering if and why specifically one is superior to the other. I know the first technique could end up calling $scope.doSomething multiple times on each digest cycle (for each item in the repeater), but I have heard the argument this is not all that much different from using a filter. Any ideas?

Edit: I am most specifically wondering about the effects on dirty checking, the digest cycle, scope watches etc. Also is function complexity relevant at all (imagine a much more complex function)?

like image 645
TheBigC Avatar asked Feb 28 '14 00:02


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1 Answers

There will be no performance difference in either, but in terms of semantics and clean separation, there is no reason ever to use the first method. That's what filters were designed and optimized for.

The complexity of the function won't differ between one method to the other as the dirty checks happen in exactly the same way.

If you are modifying the value of the items, then your logic for that should definitely be kept out of your view, i.e. the second example.

like image 71
Dan Prince Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Dan Prince