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Unexpected access to "event" variable across browsers?

Let me begin by saying I understand that the below code has a major issue. Specifically, the event parameter is not passed into the function. What I don't understand is why in the below code Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, and IE all treat the event variable differently.

$('#eventBtn').on('click', function() {

In Chrome, Opera, and Safari the above code works. IE fails at the second line and Firefox fails immediately. For testing purposes I have created a slightly more embellished jsFiddle. The output of the above console.log(event) in the various browsers:

Chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m
MouseEvent {dataTransfer: null, toElement: button#superBtn, fromElement: null, y: 20, x: 33…}

Opera Version 12.15

Safari Version 6.0.2 (8536.26.17)

IE Version 10.0.9200.16540
[object MSEventObj]

Firefox Version 20.0.1
ReferenceError: event is not defined

I was bit by this "feature" of Chrome, Opera, and Safari because it worked as intended not as coded creating unexpected behavior in other browsers. While IE also has a global event variable, unlike the aforementioned browsers it does not assign that variable to the event that is currently firing. Firefox does not have a global event variable and therefore fails as soon as event is referenced.

Typically I use e for representing event variables which as expected fails the same way in all browsers. Why do Chrome, Opera and Safari have a global event variable which they assign this way? Is this behavior documented somewhere? Aside from don't use event for variable naming any advice for dealing with this "feature"?

like image 220
ahsteele Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 18:04


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1 Answers

IE has always provided a global event variable, unlike what the W3C standards dictate. The other browsers are doing the same in order to provide backward-compatibility with websites developed with old IE versions in mind.

While IE also has a global event variable, unlike the aforementioned browsers it does not assign that variable to the event that is currently firing.

I believe it does.

like image 68
bfavaretto Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
