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AngularJs - Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting

I am trying to create a Metro Tile type grid with Angular, to achieve this i want each of the tiles to be a different colour. So my plan of action was to create a function that would randomly pick a colour inside a loop (using ng-repeat). Here is what i have so far....

<div class={{RandomColourClass()}} ng-repeat="stockRecord in GridStockRecords | filter:searchText">
  <div  >

So as you can see i am setting the class name with a function called RandomColourClass, Here is the JS bits

$scope.TileColours = [{colour:'thumbnail tile tile-blue'},{colour:'thumbnail tile tile-green'},{colour:'thumbnail tile tile-red'}];

$scope.RandomColourClass = function(){
  var randomColour = $scope.TileColours[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.TileColours.length)];
  return randomColour.colour.toString();

This all works fine and the tiles are of different colours but i keep getting the following error

Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!".

I've had a look at other posts around the issue but i can't figure out what i need to change to get it working!? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated :)

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user2859298 Avatar asked Oct 30 '13 20:10


3 Answers

Angular performs a digest function to update the DOM when your data changes.

During the digest, it recomputes all the values you have bound in the DOM, in this case {{RandomColorClass()}}. If any of them change, it again performs a digest cycle (since some variables may depend on the value of of the changed variable, for example).

It does this repeatedly until two digests in a row result in the same values -- i.e, nothing has changed.

What's happening is that when a digest occurs, your RandomColorClass() function is being called and returns a different value. This triggers an additional digest, where RandomColorClass() again returns a different value, which triggers another digest...

Can you see where this is going? You shouldn't be generating random values in this manner -- instead, generate them in your scope and persist them.

One approach might be, in your scope:

function randomColourClass() { /* ... */ };

$scope.GridStockRecords.forEach(function(record) {
  record.colorClass = randomColourClass(); 

and HTML:

    <div ng-repeat="stockRecord in GridStockRecords | filter:searchText"
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John Ledbetter Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 01:11

John Ledbetter

I had the same problem in IE10 turns ut that the problem was that I was redirecting using window.location.

window.location = "#route/yada";

Changed the code to


And that solved my issues. =D

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Markus Knappen Johansson Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 01:11

Markus Knappen Johansson

Answer unrelated to this particular question, but I'm adding it here because it's on the Google front page when you search for the error message and it took me a bit until I figured it out:

I had something like this in my view:

<custom-tag data="[1,2,3]"/>

And the controller of the custom tag had a watcher set up on $scope.data. This caused AngularJS to barf because every time it re-checked the value of data it got a new object from the view (remember, the array is an object) so it never finished digesting it properly.

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stackular Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 03:11
