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angularjs compare two arrays

How I can compare two arrays in AngularJS, and return the matching values?

Here is the first array:

    "justification":"i like sent this one",

Here is the second one:


I want to check if the values for alien and world are matching in these two arrays. Then I can get the color value from the second array.

Here is the code I put in the controller:

angular.forEach(arr1, function(value1, key1) {
    angular.forEach(arr2, function(value2, key2){
        if(value1.alien === value2.alien && value1.world === value2.world){


Shall I use angular.forEach? How can I do that? And where do I store the color value?

like image 481
Lisa Avatar asked Mar 18 '15 22:03


1 Answers

Like duncan said, these are both arrays of objects and not multi-dimensional arrays. Here I use angulars .forEach method to loop through both arrays then compare the object properties.

I've added a comment where you would get your matching color.

angular.forEach(arr1, function(value1, key1) {
    angular.forEach(arr2, function(value2, key2) {
        if (value1.alien === value2.alien && value1.world === value2.world) {
            // here is where you grab the value2.color

Here's a fiddle

like image 125
Nick S. Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

Nick S.