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AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap themes (or alternative?) [closed]

We're looking to build an app with a bootstrap theme (e.g. https://wrapbootstrap.com/theme/smartadmin-responsive-webapp-WB0573SK0) so that we can get UI that looks nice without investing too much in design.

The problem is that we want to build it around AngularJS, and from what we read about bootstrap they don't play together so well. There are workarounds e.g. http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/, but we're not sure if they work well with themes. Any experience with that?

Are there any frameworks similar to Bootstrap with rich themes to choose from (or buy) that play well with AngularJS?

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nickb Avatar asked Jan 02 '14 12:01


People also ask

What is difference between Bootstrap and AngularJS?

AngularJS is widely used for single page application development as it provides MVC architecture with data model binding. On the other hand, Bootstrap uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for its development which makes it comparatively faster.

What is Bootstrap AngularJS?

bootstrap() Function in AngularJS is a functional component in the Core ng module which is used to start up an Angular application manually, it provides more control over the initialization of the application. Syntax: angular. bootstrap(element, [modules], [config]);

Is Bootstrap and angular same?

Bootstrap is a templating framework that mainly uses two core technologies for building web pages: HTML, CSS. It also includes components and multiple JavaScript extensions for fast front-end development. Angular is a structural framework for building dynamic pages with TypeScript opportunities.

What is $Uibmodal?

$uibmodal is a service to create modal windows. Uibmodal is the UI Bootstrap component written in AngularJS. It enables us to use Bootstrap in AngularJS. It provides directives for all bootstrap with some extra like, datepicker, timepicker etc.

2 Answers

Have you tried Flatify? It's built with Angular JS and Bootstrap 3.


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Melvic Ybanez Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Melvic Ybanez

Disclaimer: I own StartAngular.com

I created this website to promote Open Source Bootstrap based AngularJS themes and templates. It can serve as a good starting point for your Admin dashboard based projects.

I am continuously enhancing it with best practices like ui-router and Yeoman.

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Sanket Sahu Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Sanket Sahu