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angular2 rc.5 custom input, No value accessor for form control with unspecified name



I have simple custom input component like this,

import {Component, Provider, forwardRef} from "@angular/core";
import {ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR} from "@angular/forms";

const noop = () => {};

  useExisting: forwardRef(() => CustomInputComponent),
  multi: true

  selector: 'custom-input',
  template: `

          <input class="form-control" 
                 [(ngModel)]="value" name="somename"

export class CustomInputComponent implements ControlValueAccessor{

  //The internal data model
  private _value: any = '';

  //Placeholders for the callbacks
  private _onTouchedCallback: () => void = noop;

  private _onChangeCallback: (_:any) => void = noop;

  //get accessor
  get value(): any { return this._value; };

  //set accessor including call the onchange callback
  set value(v: any) {
    if (v !== this._value) {
      this._value = v;

  //Set touched on blur

  //From ControlValueAccessor interface
  writeValue(value: any) {
    this._value = value;

  //From ControlValueAccessor interface
  registerOnChange(fn: any) {
    this._onChangeCallback = fn;

  //From ControlValueAccessor interface
  registerOnTouched(fn: any) {
    this._onTouchedCallback = fn;


and I have app module like this,

 * Created by amare on 8/15/16.
import { NgModule }                     from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule }                from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule }          from '@angular/forms';
import { AppComponent }                 from './app/app.component';
import {CustomInputComponent} from "./app/shared/custom.input.component";
import {RouterModule} from "@angular/router";
  imports: [ BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule, RouterModule ],
  declarations: [ AppComponent, CustomInputComponent],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule {  

and main

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule }              from './app.module';


and I have used my custom input in one of my components as shown below, but am getting 'No value accessor for form control with unspecified name attribute'.

<custom-input name="firstName" [(ngModel)]="firstName"></custom-input>

and the app.component looks like this

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  moduleId: module.id,
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'app works!';

  firstName: string;
like image 575
Amare Avatar asked Aug 15 '16 15:08


3 Answers

adding ngDefaultControl to the custom input component in the host solved the issue, thanks @danieleds

like image 54
Amare Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10


Add ngDefaultControl to the custom-input component. This adds two-way databinding, you shouldn't have to implement the value accessor methods unless you are doing something unique.

<custom-input name="firstName" [(ngModel)]="firstName" ngDefaultControl></custom-input>
like image 46
Nick Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10


Add ngDefaultControl to your input. eg

<inline-editor type="textarea" [(ngModel)]="editableTextArea" (onSave)="saveEditable($event)" value="valor" ngDefaultControl> </inline-editor> 

Then import { FORM_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/common';

Finally directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES]

This will work :) Thanks for the above comments

like image 13
Saminda Kularathne Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Saminda Kularathne