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Angular2 pass attribute to class constructor

How do I pass attributes from a parent component to their child components' class constructor in Angular 2?

Half of the mystery is figured out, as attributes can be passed to the view without problem.


import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {Example} from 'client/example';

  selector: 'app'
  template: `<p>Hello</p>
    <example [test]="someAttr"
  directives: [Example]
class App {
  constructor() {
    this.someAttr = "attribute passsed to component";
    this.someHyphenatedAttr = "hyphenated attribute passed to component";
    this.someAlias = "attribute passed to component then aliased";



import {Component, View, Attribute} from 'angular2/angular2';

  selector: 'example',
  properties: ['test', 'hyphenatedTest', 'alias: aliasTest']
  template: `
    <p>Test: {{test}}</p>
    <!-- result: attribute passsed to component -->
    <p>Hyphenated: {{hyphenatedTest}}</p>
    <!-- result: hyphenated attribute passed to component -->
    <p>Aliased: {{alias}}</p>
    <!-- result: attribute passed to component then aliased -->

    <button (click)="attributeCheck()">What is the value of 'this.test'?</button>
    <!-- result: attribute passed to component -->
* HERE IS THE PROBLEM. How to access the attribute inside the class? 
export class Example {
  constructor(@Attribute('test') test:string) {
     console.log(this.test); // result: undefined
     console.log(test); // result: null
  attributeCheck() {

To re-iterate:

How can I access an attribute inside the child component's class passed in from the parent component?


like image 939
shmck Avatar asked Aug 05 '15 10:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

Updated to beta.1

You can use ngOnInit for this

  selector: 'example',
  inputs: ['test', 'hyphenatedTest', 'alias: aliasTest'],
  template: `
    <p>Test: {{test}}</p>
    <!-- result: attribute passsed to component -->
    <p>Hyphenated: {{hyphenatedTest}}</p>
    <!-- result: hyphenated attribute passed to component -->
    <p>Aliased: {{alias}}</p>
    <!-- result: attribute passed to component then aliased -->

    <button (click)="attributeCheck()">What is the value of 'this.test'?</button>
    <!-- result: attribute passed to component -->
export class Example {

  ngOnInit() {

  attributeCheck() {
like image 113
Eric Martinez Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Eric Martinez